Gypsy Oracle Psychic Astrology Readings


Why do I provide readings?

Why do I provide readings?

I love helping people, am unassuming, have provided value to my clients, and have been told by more than one reader that I have the gift. The tools have always been available to study the self through the stars. They were created thousands of years ago and have been improved upon through time. Knowledge is power. The more knowledge you have about yourself, the more powerful you will be in your life. All you need is an open mind, the will to understand and improve upon your life, and an intuitive and skilled astrologer. Those who create the artificial schedules and timelines in this modern-day world would convince you that astrology is silly and inconsequential. That is because it threatens the energy pattern they want to overlay onto you to take your energy and keep you from yours. “The stars incline, but they do not compel.” – Claudius Ptolemy

What is an 'astrological reading'?

The second a baby is born, the position of celestial bodies determines the characteristics of that child. That snapshot, or chart, provides a guide to that person’s personality, insight into their gifts and talents, and challenges they might face. As a child grows, she may seek answers to why her life is the way it is and want clarity to create a more abundant and enjoyable life. Astrology provides a map for working with energies available to that person to step into their lives more fully and with awareness.

How did astrology come about?

In prehistoric times, people didn’t have television; if they weren’t communing around a campfire, they paid attention to the night sky. They noticed cycles and patterns. Just as events in the world – weather, seasons, sunsets, tides – became associated with the zodiac, so did human temperaments, preferences, gifts, and personalities. This body of knowledge has become increasingly intricate. Eventually, the zodiac symbols themselves became reflective of people born under a given sign.
Archeological evidence from caves and animal remains suggests that humans have tracked celestial events and astrology for thousands of years. The ancient Sumerians went a step further and began to record the planets and stars’ movements. Around 700 B.C., the Babylonians created the zodiac wheel we use today.

Is astrology 'legit'?

It depends on the reader. Many people will swear by their readings; others not so much. Astrology was considered a science for centuries. It wasn’t until the Renaissance and Reformation that astrology began to be considered less scientific. Even then, elites continued to use it as a guide and tool. In the last couple of centuries, astrology became more widely popular once again. Today, it is easy to follow. With so much content about it on the internet, it inspires people about themselves. It provides excitement about what’s to come and reassurance that life’s challenges have a rhythm and rhyme.

Does astrology predict the future?

The short answer to this question is ‘no’ – astrology does not predict the future. It can offer insight into valuable and challenging times in the future, but not specific enough to predict anything. However, an astrologer can give you an idea about areas of your life that may be difficult. If they are wise astrologers, they can provide practical tools to help you navigate any difficult periods with greater ease. Still, lottery winnings, marriages, divorces, and children cannot be accurately predicted.

Can I use astrology to find my soulmate?

Astrology is used to discover compatibility between people through comparing charts. However, it does not determine if someone is your soulmate. Instead, two people’s experiences and own wisdom about their relationship can determine soulmate status.

How does intuition work?

Intuition comes from feeling. It’s when you know something to be true based on how you feel. We live in a rational world that rewards logic over emotions. Hence, it’s no surprise that people doubt their feelings and instead seek answers outside themselves or trust their minds over their hearts and gut feelings. Intuition can be as simple as choosing to wear an outfit based on how the color makes you feel. Or following an energetic pull to try a new way home that might protect you from a traffic jam or an accident. It is the act of listening to your feelings that create sensations in your body. When you don’t listen to your intuition, in retrospect, people often regret it. I advise people to learn from those regrets and begin listening to their feelings.