Gypsy Oracle Psychic Astrology Readings

Understanding The Sun Through Different Houses

Which of the 12 Zodiac Houses Does Your Sun Light Up?
Your Sun Sign is determined by what zodiac sign you were born under. It represents your inner self, your power, how you express your creativity, and how you feel inside. It is only one aspect of your natal chart, personality, and life path, but it’s the first aspect that people look at when learning about their astrological chart. Many people don’t even know there is more to astrology than just the Sun Sign.
If you are just starting to learn about yourself through the lens of astrology, you may want to look in which House your sun sign resides to find out more about how it is you are meant to express yourself. You can find out which House your Sun is in by going to a site like and using their free Natal Chart drawing. The Sun is represented by a circle with a dot in the middle. Find the house it is in and look at the number in the inner part of the chart. That is what House your Sun resides in

If the Sun is in the First House, you are likely a person who has a lot of fire and energy like an Aries. Your Sun Sign could be an earthy Taurus if you were born at the end of April or in May, but if it’s in the First House, which is the home of Aries, you will have a strong drive to chase after your dreams. You will stand out and be noticed by many people. You may find yourself in confrontations more often than you’d like. Even if you don’t start them, people may create them with you. The energy of the warring planet Mars follows the First House Sun personality. You may have a competitive spirit with which others seek to compete. If confrontational energy is pronounced in your life, other aspects in the cart may exacerbate this issue. No matter what the cause, when you dig into your unconscious mind and come to terms with your energetic way of expressing yourself with enthusiasm and confidence, you will find confrontations happen less. When they do, they won’t hurt your ego as they once did. Embrace your inner fire and that you can start projects and pioneer paths of creativity and freedom.

If the Sun is in the Second House, wealth, self-worth, and material items may occupy your inner world, and they will be pronounced in your outer world. You may have an earthy, grounded nature that seeks comfort through clothes, food, and a warm and inviting home that allows for relaxation. Working smart and hard will be central themes in your life. You may visit ideas about your self-worth and can be a light for others about building their wealth and self-worth. You came into this life to shine a light on your abundance. If your Sun is in the Second House and you find you struggle with issues surrounding self-worth and abundance, delve into your unconscious and see if you have any attachments to material things that hold you back. Sometimes the fear of not having enough can overrun the psyche. The antidote is working a daily Gratitude Practice where you make a mental or physical list of all of the things you are grateful for upon waking and before bed. Feelings of scarcity may come from other placements in your chart or from this life and past life experiences. Letting go of material items that no longer spark joy and being open to abundance on many levels will help you fully realize the Sun’s potential in the Second House.

If the Sun is in the Third House, your life will be filled with communication. You may have a journalist’s mind or find that expressing yourself verbally is a constant theme in everything you do. The Third House also rules siblings. Relationships with siblings could also be central to your life. You might be the person who brings everyone together and mediates issues in the family. Depending on other chart aspects, you could be the black sheep who walks away from family drama. And if that is the case, you will indeed write and speak about it, potentially teaching others about the process of recognizing unhealthy patterns and how to move on from them. No matter which career path you choose, your thoughts, ideas, and your ability to cleverly express them will be what makes you sparkle and shine!

If the Sun is in the Fourth House, children and family will be a dominant theme. Your life may revolve around family and your physical home. Fourth House Suns often find themselves having children and then learning so much about themselves and life by raising them. If you have the Sun in this House but don’t have children, that could be due to other aspects and personal choices, but you may find yourself working with families or focused on your own family of origin. Being around children and babies light up the lives of Fourth House Suns. As the Fourth House is also the House of the mother, issues around relationships with mothers can be prominent, or it could be that your mother is almost like a goddess to you. Either way, that relationship is highlighted and has a significant impact.

If the Sun is in the Fifth House, you have a creative spark and joyful energy about you. Your childlike enthusiasm imbues all that you do. You may have an abundance of creativity that leads you to play music, sing, dance, or act. Performance is highlighted here and being in the spotlight. Children may light up around you and sense you are one of them. Your inner child is active and alive. You may have a sensitive heart when it comes to being accepted by others. If people don’t like you, that may be difficult to contend with, but you will always cheer yourself up by breathing life into that playful inner child. Creative self-expression is the theme of your sunshiny life, and you may find yourself being the inspiration that others seek to let their creative lights shine.

If the Sun is in the Sixth House, daily life, schedules, routine work, pets, cleaning, organization, and health may be a focus of yours. You may find yourself fussing or worrying over these aspects daily. You may find you have a nervous energy about yourself and that it is hard to sit still when there are so many details to be cared for in your physical world. You may also find you are tuned in and perceptive to others’ needs, which drives you to care for many details that may benefit them. A potential challenge here is to slow down and take stock of all you do and all you’ve accomplished. For Sixth House Suns, relaxation and sensual pleasure can take a back seat to responsibilities and work. Lists are what keeps a Sixth House Sun person in check. One way to get this Sun placement to relax would be to schedule it and purposefully make time to enjoy all that you are and all you do. There is a potential here for being a wallflower, low self-confidence, and self-deprecation. Mindfulness, mediation, breathwork, and positive affirmations will help the Sixth House Sun feel, see and understand how much they shine and how much they are appreciated. 

If the Sun is in the Seventh House, relationships will be a paramount concern. The Seventh House Sun person will learn the most about themselves through their connections with individuals. These people are very romantic. Their drive to find the poetry in every relationship and make sure their friends, family, coworkers, bosses, and employees know they are valued is part of their charm. If a Seventh House Sun struggles in relationships constantly, they should look to their sense of self-worth to understand why they give so much away. Seeking a good therapist, wise friend, or spiritual counselor can help them see where they devalue themselves, learn to value themselves, and attract reciprocal relationships. Co-dependency is a term often associated with Seventh House Suns. Learning how to become interdependent instead of co-dependent will be crucial to happiness in relationships.

If the Sun is in the Eighth House, you have an intense, mysterious, and magnetic personality. You may be lucky to accumulate wealth through inheritances or a marriage partner. The Eighth House Sun takes nothing lightly. They often see under the surface of situations and people. They are unafraid to look into the darker side of life to figure out what is at the root of every mystery. They are philosophical and have an insatiable desire to research whatever their intuition tells them. They have a strong sixth sense and can be very psychic when they listen to their inner knower. Eighth House Suns are strong mentally, emotionally, and physically. They may have strong sexual and creative drives but are often found to be loyal and committed.

If the Sun is in the Ninth House, philosophy, higher education, travel, spirituality, and exploring high-minded ideas will be themed. The Ninth House Sun rarely sits still, and if they do, their mind will still be going. The Ninth House Sun desires to understand the origin of mysteries, beliefs, philosophies, and cultures. The more extroverted and adventurous ones will discover them through travel and seeing for themselves, while others are happy to do that through books, research, and education. Law may interest the Ninth House Sun whether or not they practice it. The Ninth House Sun has an expansive mentality and desire to learn and grow through exploring thoughts, ideas, and the world. They often bring this enthusiasm to their job and relationships and make natural teachers. 

If the Sun is in the Tenth House, business, finance, public office, leadership, organization, and dogged determination to succeed at expressing their life’s work are attributed to this group. This group of people often command respect just by entering a room. People sense their natural leadership and want to follow them. Tenth House Suns can appear serious as they are always thinking about work and what needs to be done to run the world of their line of work better. They tend to be hard on themselves and need to be reminded of how much they have accomplished as they too often focus on what more needs to be done. Driven and determined, Tenth House Suns seek fun-loving and playful people around them who provide them with support and inspiration to let go and relax.

If the Sun is in the Eleventh House, friends, society, humanity, and group activities are highlighted. The Eleventh House Sun individual is a social butterfly or at least socially conscious. Their attention is often on doing things with friends or like-minded people to help out humanity. They may be science and future-minded. They may also be rebellious and change their lives dramatically if their lifestyle doesn’t support community-oriented, forward-thinking goals. Eleventh House Suns are interested in intellectual relationships and desire to know about the world and people around them. They are most interested in what people think rather than what they are. Their spirits are on fire to fight for equality and peaceful ideals in local and national communities. Their need for group connection may trump their desire for one on one connections, but they will find like-minded friends and relationships in groups they join.

If the Sun is in the Twelfth House, hidden talents, introspection, prophetic dreams, and heightened emotional sensitivity are themes. The Sun in Twelfth House person may struggle with feeling seen. Expressing their feelings can feel painfully tricky. Their sensitivity may be so great that they appear not to have emotions because they hide them from others and themselves. Keeping a journal and seeking out helpful counselors is advised for Sun in the Twelfth House people. They should delve into creative practices even if they fear being exposed for who they truly are deep down. The world needs to know these tender souls that have a lot of empathy and vision. The Twelfth House person’s dreamlife may be vibrant and prophetic or serve to inspire the creativity within. Keep a dream journal and get into the habit of stream of consciousness writing. Seek out kind and supportive friends who see you for who you are and encourage you gently to shine your light for everyone to see.