Gypsy Oracle Psychic Astrology Readings


Grounding Exercise along with Spinning Chakras

Sit with your eyes closed on a chair, or do it while you’re fixing your kids’ breakfast. It doesn’tmatter, as long as you do it. First, you need to ground yourself by making a grounding cord using your imagination. Picture a line of energy running from between your ovaries and into the center of the earth. You can turn the line into an object like a telephone cord, a rope, a beam of light, a waterfall, a chain, or a flame. Again, you can use your imagination. Each time you do it, you may envision a new grounding cord. Spin the chakras on the bottoms of your feet. They spin like records in the arches. Tell your body to release anything not serving you into the ground through your grounding cord to get recycled by the Earth’s core. Releasing energy down the grounding cord may feel stagnant at first. Just keep asking your body to release. If you find yourself thinking too hard about it, find some humor over what you’re doing. When the energy does release, you may feel a lightness in your lower back, expansive energy between your hips, or a total lightness down your spine. Imagine bringing fresh Earth energy from its center up through the spinning chakras at the bottom of your feet. Draw that new energy through your ankles, shins, calves, knees, thighs, hips, and around your waist. Let it flow down your grounding cord again. Next, you will bring down cosmic energy from the universe into the top half of your body and back up into the cosmos. Picture 4 beams of light coming down from the sky. They land on your head and travel down the back of your head. Two beams travel down each side of your spine. The other two move down the sides of your neck, onto your shoulders, and down your arms. Two of the beams travel on either side of your spine and around your waist, mixing with earth energy. Send 10% of the cosmic energy down your grounding cord. Guide the remaining 90% heavenly energy plus 10% earth energy up the front of your chest, face, and out the top of your head. The other two channels of light travel down your arms and out through the spinning chakras in your hands. This will set you up to spin your chakras clear of foreign energy so that
you can have access to all of your own power.

We have 7 main chakras that spin like whirly gigs you stick in your lawn in front and back of you.

The first one is the Root Chakra that grounds you to the earth and gives you a sense of safety. Traditionally, it is red, but you could see a different color when you look at it in your mind’s eye. That color is your chakra’s vibration for that moment. It doesn’t matter if you see a color or not, but do put a color in it and start spinning the chakra in the front and back of your tailbone. Spin it until you see the color washout and it turns transparent. If you are overthinking things, just pretend.

Then move on to your Sacral Chakra, your center of creativity, sexuality, emotional connection to family. It’s traditionally orange and is where your uterus or prostate is. Do there what you did in the first chakra. Keep spinning them until they are clear. Do not forget the ones behind you. Being conscious of your backside from head to heels is most important. All the energy coming at you that you’d rather ignore gets stuck there, so the more you clear it, the more you have access to your own energy. Having access to all your own energy is the most essential thing in life, I feel. I often ask myself where my energy is going, and if it’s moving away from me, I pull it back. You’ll know where you’re losing it by what you’re obsessing on or thinking about a lot. The third is traditionally yellow and is the Solar Plexus Chakra. This is where you spend most of your energy doing. The third chakra encases all the other chakras in your aura bubble around you. That’s why you get gut feelings. When forces come your way, it hits your outer shell and pings your third chakra. So you know intuitively what energy is coming at you by what you feel there and pay attention to. Finally, on the third chakra, spin the color out of the front and back.
Keep the others spinning.

You can also dial down the energy output in this chakra if you think you’re overworked or putting out too much and feeling depleted. Dialing down the Solar Plexus chakra. Picture a dial on your belly that has 1-100 settings. On average, it’s set around 70 unless you’re doing too much, and then it could be up to 100. Dial that down at any time as low as you feel is good. Try 20% at first and feel the difference. Enjoy it!

Finally, on the third chakra, spin the color out of the front and back. Keep the others spinning. Next, you’ll move into the heart chakra, which is traditionally green and/or pink. It relates to what you feel an affinity for, like animals, certain people, ideas, etc. Different than emotional family love in the 2nd chakra. If you ever feel tense between your shoulder blades or on your heart, it’s because you feel unloved. Spin those out!

The throat chakra is blue. This is where you assert your will by speaking your truth. Throat and/ or thyroid issues can occur when one’s voice isn’t heard, or needs are seen. Spin them clear! The third eye or 6th Chakra is Indigo. It’s where we read from clairvoyantly, which means it’s how we see and describe things as they are, without judgment. It’s where we find neutrality. You want to get into the pineal gland inside your head. If you can imagine yourself there and feel it, you can create neutrality. Spin the front and the back of the head, purple whirlygigs, turn clear. The final chakra is the 7th and Crown Chakra. It spins violet on the top of your head like a record. Like the grounding cord connects to the center or Earth from the Second Chakra, Crown Charka energy connects up to the heavens from the 7th chakra. By spinning it clear along with the rest of your chakras, you create a connection with the parts of you that have the best wisdom.