Gypsy Oracle Psychic Astrology Readings

Intuition: Do I have it, and how do I use it?

Many people often wonder what intuition is, if they have it, and how to use it. Everyone has intuition, but not everyone trusts it. Intuition is a deep knowing without having logical proof. It comes from our subconscious mind that recognizes something as being true. The best way to access it is to build trust around listening to it.

Listening to intuition requires feeling sensations in the body. Often when you are at a restaurant deciding what to order, you listen to what your body responds to when reading off the menu. Or maybe you see a plate journey by in the hands of a server, and the sight of that makes your body come alive. Another way people listen to their intuition is when choosing what to wear. Sometimes it’s a particular color that makes you feel happy or a specific fabric. Either way, you’re using your intuition to decide rather than your brain.

When people get out of their bodies and reside mainly in their minds with racing thoughts filled with fear and doubt, they become disconnected from intuition. For example, suppose you’ve found yourself in a difficult situation in life and can only see the negatives. In that case, your thoughts are spinning dark narratives, and you feel like you have no control. By learning to trust your intuition, you will reduce your anxiety.

You can bring your spirit back into your body by getting in touch with your physical senses. For example, if you find your mind racing, take a moment to touch and count all of your fingers with your thumbs. Then, work one hand at a time until you feel calm. Another way is to step outside and allow yourself to enjoy the natural beauty. If there is a scent, you love that is nearby, sniff on that. Then, listen to calming music or a waterfall.

There is a simple tool you can use for getting yes or no answers from your body. Either lay down if you can or simply be still while you ask yourself questions. For example, if you ask, “Should I leave this job?” your heart might race, and your mind may spin. You could instead ask yourself, “Would I be happy if I didn’t work there anymore?” If your body feels expansive, then the answer is yes; if it feels like it’s contracting, the answer is no. An expansive feeling comes with warmth and openness, especially in your core and chest. If the answer is no, it will feel a bit tight, dense and you may feel some sadness, especially if you thought you wanted to leave. It may be that the time isn’t right, and your higher self knows that. When you phrase your questions around how you will feel, your body will tell you. Also, understand that life is constantly in flux. Just because your intuition says to stay at a job in April doesn’t mean that it won’t be different by September. Also, if you’re focused on a job and it’s not time to leave, explore new things that would make you happy in the meantime.

Intuition helps determine what foods to eat, especially if you feel sensitive to them like so many currently do. When you’re grocery shopping, pay attention to the foods you pick up. See if your body lights up with joy and warmth or contracts and feels depleted. You may determine without a food sensitivity test what foods are beneficial and which aren’t.

If anyone has ever successfully dated, you’ve likely used your intuition to let you know when someone is interested or not. But, unfortunately, that is the tip of the iceberg. For many people, determining if someone is a good match requires much deeper introspection and trust of feelings. The tricky part is knowing what real feelings are and what are projections or wishful thinking. This is where people can get themselves into relationships with partners who don’t have good values or treat you as well as they should. Although, if we are sincere, many people know what the issues are early on, they just ignore their internal guidance. The feeling of being with someone pouring on affection or attention makes more noise than the voices saying they really aren’t emotionally available or in it for the long haul.

As you develop your intuition, you’ll desire to use it in all areas of your life. Trusting your intuition doesn’t mean that you no longer research or use your logical thinking skills. It means that you take all of that information into account when relying on your intuition. Your subconscious knows patterns better than you realize, and it informs your intuition. Many people are naturally inclined to living in their minds, and many do it as a trauma response. It may take trying a few different nervous system modalities to connect their minds to their bodies for the overthinkers. Intuition is a way of thinking. Some are born with higher flowing access to it, while others have tremendous access to their logical brain. Developing both sides is ideal for creating happy and successful lives.


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